One on One
Business Training​

The time to act is now!

Years of experience
0 +
Houses sold
0 +
Closing Rate
0 %
Client Satisfaction
0 %

One Step Ahead

Abundancy Through Loyalty

Throughout the program I will Share my Cool Tool Box (tools your competition does not want you to know anything about). I will also show you how to DIFFERENTIATE yourself from others, making very clear to your clients why they should choose you.

three steps to success

I Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

The Train With Shane program will teach you how to systematize and simplify your daily lead generating. This proven system will:


Notify who to call, when, and why

This takes away half the battle when it comes to getting ahold of people. Also, it helps with everything else.


Notify who to send a personal note to

Personal notes are extremely effective in developing an essential relationship with your client. 


Notify who to send a POP-OUT/ POP-BY to

This will extract names from the list and let you know who to send a Pop-out/Pop-By to.

Learn how to assemble your database

A database is not a mailing list; a database is a list of relationships (advocates) that can include current and past clients as well as people inside what we like to call our “Sphere of Influence”. The people inside our Sphere of Influence can include Friends, Family, Social Circles, Business Relationships, and even Online Networks.

If you already have a database:

If you are new to the business or area:

a. Your cell phone
b.  Past Deal folders
c.  Personal Home Phone Book
d.  Social Media
e.  Personal Websites

"It Is Time To Stop Learning & Start Doing"


Low Producer vs Peak Producer

Through our program, you will learn to identify the habits of the low producer as well as the core competency of the peak producer by following these techniques as well as others. 

Habits Of The Low Producer:

Core Competency Abundancy Through Loyalty centers around Prioritization:

It is essential that you prioritize your advocates so that you can prioritize your time, which in return will allow you to prioritize your activities.

Loyalty Check In Campaign

Personal Notes

The most powerful and least expensive way to deepen a relationship with a client is to send them a hand-written personal note! Some of the benefits of hand-written notes are the facts that they are always read, they take time, your most precious commodity, and, they leave a lingering impact. To become successful by writing hand-written notes just simply write them everyday.


What People Say About the program

Client Testimonials

Learn How To Work by Referral

A consistent level of contact and care for your top advocates in your database will lead to a steady stream of repeat business and referrals to their friends and associates.

Acknowledging and Appreciating Referrals

The best ways to show appreciation for referrals

The Rhythm Of The Referral System

Follow this cycle in order to take full advantage of this system

But Why Do People Refer?

Referrals are essential to the growth of any business and are directly connected to the success of the vast majority of businesses in the World? But why exactly do people refer?

Interview Your Best Advocates

Business by Referrals - Differentiate

Here are a few strategies to tell you apart from your competition

Keep In Touch

Contact Me

Ask Me Anything. anytime.

Do not hesitate to contact me with your questions.